Top 5 Tech Tools for Millennial Moms


Everywhere we look there are more tools than ever for Millennial moms to collect, express and organize their lives in a high-designed, yet functional way. For me, my mobile phone seems to be an extension of myself, a constant utility in my hand or by my side for just about every waking moment — the first thing I look at when I wake up, and the last thing I see before bedtime. Our phones are our No. 1 tool for capturing life moments, both big and small, and it’s an ever-present resource for our lives. 

A new tool or app seems to come out daily, but these five products and apps have been my go-to items for quite some time: 

Wunderlist app 

Being on the same page has never been easier. Wunderlist is an app that keeps me organized through projects all the way to the grocery list. The best part of the app is the ability to collaborate. Share the grocery list with your significant other and then no matter who ends up going to the store, you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything as you are sharing the same list. (iPhone and Android)

Mophie Juice Pack

Taking photos, posting on social media, emails, and calls can run down your phone battery quickly. Having a Mophie Juice Pack will deliver 120 percent more charge to your phone so no photo-op is missed due to a dead phone. 

Postagram App 

We are always taking photos and sharing them on social media, but what about your friends and family that aren’t on social. Plus, who doesn’t love to receive mail, especially when it involves adorable photos of grandchildren? Postagram allows you to take photos from your phone’s gallery, Facebook, or even Instagram to send as a postcard to your friends and family. Each postcard is 99 cents to send. Easy and very simple. Mailboxes will be smiling everywhere. Check out my review! (iPhone and Android)

GoPro HERO4 Session Camera

The newest camera from GoPro makes it easy to capture those unforgettable moments. The camera is waterproof right outside of the box, which means taking it to the pool or on the lake for the weekend is easy. It’s the smallest and lightest camera available from GoPro, so it’s not going to take up much room in your bag. With the camera’s built in wifi, you can see your photos and videos in the GoPro app and share right to your social channels. (I even tossed it in the bathtub with our 18-month-old!)

Sit or Squat Restroom Finder App 

Kids are always wanting to touch EVERYTHING and the worst time for this is in a dirty restroom. Sometimes, beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to “I’ve gotta GO!” time, but with the Sit or Squat Restroom Finder App from Charmin, you can feel a little bit more comfortable about where you land. Named a “Best App for Parents” by Parenting Magazine, this is one app you can’t pass up. (iPhone and Android)

This post originally appeared on GalTime.