2021 Ford F-150 Delivers Power to Texas Residents
Randy Jones of Katy, Texas used his 2021 Ford F-150 to power space heaters and other appliances throughout his home when he lost power earlier this week during the winter storm.
Source: Randy Jones
I had the opportunity a couple of weeks ago to drive the all-new and redesigned 2021 Ford F-150. I’ll have more coming on my thoughts and a review, but one of the latest features is the onboard generator. This “gives you the ability to use your truck like a mobile generator” and can produce up to 7.2 kW of power, according to Ford. While I thought it was such an amazing feature, I had no idea what the Texas weather had in store for us in the coming weeks.
The photo above is of Randy Jones of Katy, Texas with his 2021 Ford F-150. Little did he know when he purchased the truck a few weeks ago, that he would be using it to power his house during the unprecedented winter storm we are going through here in Texas. Millions are left without power and something we experienced for ourselves at our home in Austin, Texas. Jones used extension cords to put the generator to the test and power his home!
While many new 2021 Ford F-150 owners enjoyed this feature, it was the amazing story of how Ford then asked local Texas dealers to loan out their trucks to help power those in need. “Ford claims there are about 415 trucks equipped with the most capable 7.2 kW Pro Power Onboard systems across Texas lots, and each one is capable of providing max power for 32 hours at a time.” Ford spokesperson Mike Levine shared on Twitter that is enough to power a home’s furnace as one customer used it to warm their house from 47 degrees to 64 degrees.
Thank you to Ford for stepping up and helping Texas. Another reason I’m so proud to help promote their brand and the values that they stand for. The Ford slogan of “Built Ford Tough” has never been more true.